LAN Update (UDP)

AutoUpdate is used to download a new application image to your AM360 device flash memory over a network connection using UDP. In order for AutoUpdate to work the PC and AM360 device must be on the same local area network, and the AM360 device must have a valid IP address and mask so that it can communicate with the PC.

AutoUpdate is commonly used for:

  • Updating the application over a LAN network.

AutoUpdate can be started from:

  • By launching the AutoUpdate GUI application.
  • From a command line.
Screenshot: AutoUpdate
Screenshot: AutoUpdate
 Running in Auto Mode without User Intervention

When run with command line options you can specify a number of options, including the –A option to run in “automatic” mode in which it will not ask for user input. This is useful for batch programming of devices in a production environment.

Command line options:

AutoUpdate -I<ipaddr> -F<filename> -R -A
Example: AutoUpdate –I10.1.1.2 –FMyProgram_App.s19 –R –A
This example will program the device at with the MyProgram_APP.s19 image, Reboot the device when done, and run in Auto mode in which it does not display the dialog box and ask for user input.


-I<ipaddr> IP address of device to update.
-F<filename> The _APP.s19 file containing the application image to use.
-R Tells the device to reboot after programming.
-A Execute without displaying dialog box or user intervention.

AutoUpdate Cannot Locate Your AM360 Device

If AutoUpdate does not display your device it is for one of the following reasons:

  1. A firewall on your PC is blocking network port number 20034. Try temporarily disabling your firewall to see if this is the cause.
  2. The application in your device is not running. This can happen if you download an application that is crashing. Network communication is only possible if you have a running application. To recover from this situation use MTTTY and download a working application through the serial port using the “FLA” command.
  3. You are trying to talk to a device on the other side of a router. The PC and AM360 device must be on the same LAN.
Using AutoUpdate
  1. Start AutoUpdate.
  2. Click on the “Find” button and select your AM360 device.
  3. Click on the “Browse” button and select the application image, which must end in “_APP .s19”.
  4. Verify the “Reboot when complete” checkbox is checked.
  5. Click on the “Update” button to execute the update.

The AutoUpdate application can be downloaded here: AutoUpdate.exe