Create an Object

Create a new object and return its instance resource.


POST /api/2013-12-01/Objects/[Agency ID]
You must POST at least the following to create a new object.

Parameter Description
Border The color of the border around the object. Valid values include Black, Blue, Green, Orange, Pink, Purple, Red, White, Yellow
Indicator The color of the indicator icon inside the object. Valid values include Black, Blue, Green, Orange, Pink, Purple, Red, White, Yellow
Name The new object’s name. Maximum of 32 characters.
Tab ID The ID of the tab you’d like this object to appear on.
Type The type of object you’d like to create. Valid values include Role, Group, Camera.

You may also set the following information when creating your new object.

Parameter Description
Contact ID The Contact ID of the primary point of contact (Occupant) that should be assigned to the object.
Subtitle The subtitle that appears underneath the object name. Maximum of 255 characters.
Weblink A weblink to an external resource. Maximum of 255 characters.
Example Request

$ curl -XPOST https://[Site Name][Agency ID] \
-d "Border=Red" \
-d "Contact ID=3858158" \
-d "Indicator=Green" \
-d "Name=My%20Object" \
-d "Subtitle=Object%20Subtitle" \
-d "Tab ID=23" \
-d "Type=Group" \
-u "[API Account ID]:[API Token]"

Request Result

    "code": 0,
    "status": 200,
    "detail": "Success",
    "timestamp": "2019-01-31T19:12:46+00:00",
    "object": {
        "Object ID": 13310