Internet Update (TCP)

TcpUpdate is a utility similar to AutoUpdate, but uses TCP instead of UDP to download a new application image to your AM360 device. The most common reason to use TcpUpdate is if you need to update a AM360 device behind a firewall or NAT router.

TcpUpdate is commonly used for:

  • Updating the application over the Internet, or when your AM360 device is behind a firewall or NAT router. Requires access to port 20034.

TcpUpdate can be started from:

  • By launching the TcpUpdate GUI application.
  • From a command line.
Screenshot: TCPUpdate
Screenshot: TCPUpdate
TcpUpdate Cannot Reprogram Your AM360 Device

If TcpUpdate cannot reprogram or connect to your device:

  • A firewall on your PC may blocking network port number 20034. Try temporarily disabling your firewall to see if this is the cause.
  • The AM360 device is behind a firewall or NAT router and is blocking network port number 20034. You may need to add a rule to the firewall, port forwarding to the NAT router, or both.
  • The application in your device is not running. This can happen if you download an application that is crashing. Network communication is only possible if you have a running application. To recover from this situation use MTTTY and download a working application through the serial port using the “FLA” command.
Using TcpUpdate
  1. Start TcpUpdate.
  2. Enter the IP address of your AM360 device. Note that the “Find” feature will only work for devices on the same LAN.
  3. Click on the “Browse” button and select the application image, which must end in “_APP .s19”.
  4. Verify the “Reboot when complete” checkbox is checked.
  5. Click on the “Update” button to execute the update.

The TcpUpdate application can be downloaded here: TcpUpdate.exe