Get a Contact

Get an existing contact resource.


GET /api/2013-12-01/Contacts/[Agency ID]/[Contact ID]
Returns information for the given Contact ID in the given Agency ID

Example Request

$ curl -G https://[Site Name][Agency ID]/[Contact ID] \
-u "[API Account ID]:[API Token]"

Request Result

    "Contact ID": 106752,
    "Agency ID": 1,
    "Agencies": [
    "Custom ID": "AZ123",
    "User ID": "",
    "Owner ID": "",
    "Status": "Active",
    "First": "John",
    "Last": "Doe",
    "Organization": "My Company",
    "Tags": "Pizza, Beer, Hazmat",
    "Title": "Chief of Awesome",
    "PIN": "",
    "Custom 1": "Custom agency field data 1",
    "Custom 2": "Custom agency field data 2",
    "Custom 3": "Custom agency field data 3",
    "Custom 4": "Custom agency field data 4",
    "Custom 5": "Custom agency field data 5",
    "Custom 6": "Custom agency field data 6",
    "Custom 7": "Custom agency field data 7",
    "Custom 8": "Custom agency field data 8",
    "Custom 9": "Custom agency field data 9",
    "Custom 10": "Custom agency field data 10",
    "Phones": [],
    "Emails": [],
    "Objects": []