State Departments of Transportation

State DOTs use ReadyOp as a web-based platform that provides a single, secure location accessible 24/7 from any location to consolidate plans, rosters, locations, assets, forms and more. Simple icons provide for immediate communication via text, call, email, alerts and unified notification with individuals, groups or teams. Forms can be shared with mobile devices for immediate situational awareness. Each organization has its own secure site to plan and to use for daily operations and for response to incidents. Plans and operations can be built and stored securely in ReadyOp on a by location, region and systemwide sis. Assets can be listed along with their location, person to contact and other information that may be needed. Diagrams, charts, maps, pictures, report forms and other documentation can be securely stored yet immediately available from any location. ReadyOp also provides efficient planning and response for response to disasters and for continuity of operations (COOP) and recovery. ReadyOp is the COOP platform for multiple organizations including many federal agencies.

Improved Operations and Response

ReadyOp enables users to communicate and interact quickly and efficiently with each other regardless of their location. ReadyOp is also a Command and Control platform for directing and coordinating traffic operations and response. We have several state Department of Transportation agencies as clients.

Below is a list of the primary uses of ReadyOp by these clients…

  • Secure Real Time Communicatio
  • Incident and Emergency Response
  • Incident Command System (ICS)
  • Multi-Agency Response Coordination
  • Operational Notifications
  • Patient Tracking

  • Pandemic Response Supply Requests
  • Asset Management
  • Disaster Recovery, Resiliency
  • Volunteer Signup and Management
  • MRC Program Management
  • Continuity of Operations

Planning and Preperation

ReadyOp provides a single, secure location to consolidate incident and emergency plans, rosters, tasks, roles, groups and more. Each agency has its own secure website to plan personnel and roles, emergency operations, callout teams and other groups that may be needed. Assets can be listed along with their location, person to contact and other information that may be needed. Diagrams, charts, maps, report forms, claim forms and other documentation can be securely stored, yet immediately available to authorized persons. Exercises, incident management and the planning, response and command and control during emergencies are easier, more timely and more efficient.

Daily Operations

ReadyOp provides multiple tools to support daily operations such as conference calls, notification groups, forms for inspections and reporting, encrypted communications capabilities for secure communications and radio interoperability. ReadyOp can be used for both push notifications and communications (i.e. text, emails, alerts and conference calls), plus as a pull/source for access to forms, video camera feeds, event plans, weather status/predictions and more.

Alerts, Notifications and Communications

ReadyOp provides multiple means for communicating with and between persons and agencies. Simple icons are used to initiate voice calls, conference calls, texts, emails, alerts, video and radio communications. Groups can be pre-identified for immediate notifications. Encrypted voice and video communications are launched via simple icons. Radio patching between talk groups can be easily established by the addition of ReadyOp’s Audio Conversion/Encryption (ACE) devices.

Incident Command Structure

ReadyOp provides multiple tabs for planning Incident Command System, organization charts, emergency support functions (ESFs) and grouping of personnel by location, agency, responsibilities or any other visual display. Tasks and assets can be included for fast reference and communications. Task additions and completions are easily updated and logged.

Command, Control and Coordination

ReadyOp provides a single, simple yet efficient platform for command and control during events including multi-agency interaction. Law enforcement, fire, emergency operation centers and others can be part of the same ReadyOp platform, allowing separate operations, yet with immediate information sharing, communications and coordination. All authorized users, regardless of their location, are immediately sharing the same information including situation reports, maps and video. This “same page” concept improves situation awareness, response timing and coordination, potentially saving lives, time and money.

Regional Fusion

ReadyOp is an outstanding platform for unifying multiple agencies in different regions and across state boundaries in case of a major accident or incident. Highway Patrols and other law enforcement agencies, mass transit agencies, military bases and local governments can be unified on a single platform to enhance incident command, notifications, radio interoperability, information sharing and more in their region. Communication and coordination among and between agencies is improved as all agencies are sharing the same plans, response and situation reports. ReadyOp is the one program designed for planning, ICS, response, communication and coordination for multiple agencies on a region-wide basis and has proven effective in multiple events.

The following is an example of organizations that are typically included in a region’s ReadyOp platform…

Radio Interoperability

One of the unique and key features of ReadyOp is
radio interoperability that enables two-way radio conversations securely between radio groups. With ReadyOp, talk groups can communicate securely with other radio talk groups, regardless of location, frequency and brand of radio. Two-way radio communications can also be extended securely to the smartphone or laptop of credentialed users. Our solution is now being used daily by government agencies both in the United States
and internationally.

Continuity of Operations

ReadyOp, with its secure web-hosted design, is not dependent on any location, server, group of servers or other supporting hardware. Agencies and users, via a connection to the Internet, can find and communicate with their agency and others as authorized from any location using any computer with Internet access. All tasks, documents, files, maps and other information can be stored securely in ReadyOp and accessible from any location with Internet connectivity. Communications and coordination are greatly enhanced with ReadyOp.

Operational notifications

State DOTs must be ready to respond and handle many varied situations covering many miles of routes statewide. ReadyOp is an efficient and effective tool for sending notifications to multiple agencies quickly and keeping those agencies informed as to the status of each event. Notifying city and county law enforcement agencies, fire, rescue, EMS, tow trucks and many more agencies is simple and efficient with ReadyOp. ReadyOp is designed to handle notifications to multiple agencies and to keep those agencies informed throughout a traffic incident.

Special Events

State DOTs must be ready to respond and handle many varied situations covering many miles of routes statewide. ReadyOp is an efficient and effective tool for sending notifications to multiple agencies quickly and keeping those agencies informed as to the status of each event. Notifying city and county law enforcement agencies, fire, rescue, EMS, tow trucks and many more agencies is simple and efficient with ReadyOp. ReadyOp is designed to handle notifications to multiple agencies and to keep those agencies informed throughout a traffic incident.

Special Events

Major music festivals, sporting events, parades and other large public activities can have a major impact on the volume and movement of traffic. Communication and coordination with various agencies for planning before and then actual operations during events are key to maximizing traffic flow and minimizing interruptions, backups and delays.

Weather Alerts and Transportation

Road closings due to high winds, flooding, ice and other events are important and even critical for saving lives and preventing wrecks and road closures. ReadyOp’s communications capability is used to notify multiple agencies at one time quickly and efficiently and to keep those agencies updated with the current status and situation reports.

Simple, Efficient

Road closings due to high winds, flooding, ice and other events are important and even critical for saving lives and preventing wrecks and road closures. ReadyOp’s communications capability is used to notify multiple agencies at one time quickly and efficiently and to keep those agencies updated with the current status and situation reports.

No other program provides all of these capabilities, plus these important features:

  1. No New Hardware to Purchase
  2. No Software to Install, Update
  3. Secure access 24×7 from any Location
  4. Radio Interoperability
  5. Low Cost. Easy to Learn. Simple to Use