ReadyOp in the Utilities Industry

ReadyOp is used by utilities, corporations, school districts, hospitals and government agencies nationwide at the federal, state and local levels. These clients all have the same issue – the efficient and effective way to manage and report daily operations as well as the ability to handle incidents and adverse situations. ReadyOp is the single platform that provides planning, daily operations, and incident response, all consolidated in a single, easy to learn and easy to use program. ReadyOp is a web-based, software as a service (SAAS), program that requires no new or on-site hardware or programming.

Utilities use ReadyOp as a web-based platform that provides a single, secure location accessible 24/7 from any location to consolidate plans, rosters, locations, assets, forms and more. Simple icons provide for immediate communication via text, call, email, alerts and unified notification with individuals, groups or teams. Forms can be shared with mobile devices for immediate situational awareness. Each organization has its own secure site to plan and to use for daily operations and for response to incidents. Plans and operations can be built and stored securely in ReadyOp on a by location, region and systemwide basis. Assets can be listed along with their location, person to contact and other information that may be needed. Diagrams, charts, maps, pictures, report forms and other documentation can be securely stored yet immediately available from any location. ReadyOp also provides efficient planning and response for response to disasters and for continuity of operations (COOP) and recovery. ReadyOp is the COOP platform for multiple organizations including many federal agencies.


Efficient and effective response to incidents and emergencies requires planning for people, assets, communications and tasks. Often there are multiple agencies and organizations involved adding challenges for coordinating planning and communications. Every authorized user securely accesses the same information at the same time, regardless of their location.


ReadyOp provides multiple means for communicating with and between persons, teams, locations and agencies. Simple icons are used to initiate voice calls, conference calls, texts, emails, alerts, video and radio communications. Groups can be pre-identified or arranged ad hoc. Encrypted voice and video communications can also be launched via simple icons.

People, Assets, Tasks

Effective response actions and operations require planning that includes people, assets and tasks. ReadyOp provides efficient, effective resource planning and tasking that is simple to learn and use. ReadyOp enables agencies the ability to capture and consolidate all tasks and directives issued by a crisis action team (CAT) or emergency operations center (EOC) during an activation and to track and automatically log completion of the tasks.

All information is automatically logged and available for recall and reporting at any time. Checklist progress, reporting and completion, including pictures, comments and time/date stamps can be accomplished quickly, securely and efficiently from smartphones and laptops from any location with Internet or private network access.

Radio Interoperability

One of the unique and key features of ReadyOp is radio interoperability that enables two-way radio conversations securely between radio groups. With ReadyOp, talk groups can communicate securely with other radio talk groups, regardless of location, frequency and brand of radio. Two-way radio communications can also be extended securely to the smartphone or laptop of credentialed users. Our solution is now being used daily by government agencies both in the United States and internationally.

Continuity of Operations of Government

ReadyOp is an all-in-one platform for planning through demobilization. ReadyOp provides a single, consolidated site for conducting continuity and recovery activities as well as communicating with individuals, groups and teams within their own agency and other organizations.

Dashboard for Visibility and Organization

ReadyyOp provides users and planners with multiple tools for planning and organizing resources, tasks and operations. Dashboards can be developed for specific events to include persons, teams, agencies and locations. Files such as map, pictures, forms,reports and other files can be uploaded and available for immediate access and use at any time.


ReadyOp includes the ability for using groups to build and use forms for checklists, reports, instructions and other information. Asset requests, tracking, status updates and more can be accomplished quickly and efficiently. Forms can be submitted securely by users from any location from their laptop or smartphone.

Map Views

ReadyOp includes mapping capabilities that integrate with the forms so that assets, actions and other reporting actions can be immediately displayed. Views can be developed and accessed by each individual user for their specific use without impacting the use and viewing of other users.

Simple, Efficient, Reliable

ReadyOp is designed to be simple, low cost and fast to implement. Users can be trained quickly and easily retain their understanding and how to use of ReadyOp.

ReadyOp Advantages for Utilities

ReadyOp provides a planning, operational, coordination and emergency response platform for many agencies and organizations nationwide. Several features and capabilities included in ReadyOp are of particular value for government agencies. These advantages include:

Daily Operations

  • ReadyOp provides multiple ways to communicate quickly and efficiently with individuals, groups, teams, reserves and others, including outside agencies.
  • SitReps and other reports and updates can be distributed quickly via text, email and voice recordings/alerts.
  • Incident and emergency response actions are faster and more complete when response actions are preplanned and stored in ReadyOp.

Planning and Organization

  • Plan for daily operations, special events, incident and emergency response and other operations.
  • Planning with ReadyOp can include people, assets, agencies, tasks, maps, files, tasks and more, all in one secure location for quick reference 24 hours a day.
  • Users can use ReadyOp’s dashboards for visual displays and fast, efficient access for reference
    and communications.
  • Adjust shift and daily staffing, including notifications to alternates, quickly and efficiently.
  • A Files tab is available for storing and accessing maps, photos, forms, schedules and other reference material that may be needed.
  • Since planning is done in a single database, updates are immediate and available to authorized users.

Incident Management

  • Plan response actions, personnel, assets and notification groups.
  • All emergency plans, floorplans, diagrams and response groups can be stored in ReadyOp’s Files tab and available 24/7 to support immediate response actions.
  • Initiate and coordinate response actions from the ReadyOp dashboard. Notify operations staff, security staff and responding personnel of incidents and emergencies.
  • Plan and respond based on Incident Command System (ICS). Communicate and coordinate with first responders, hospitals and other agencies.
  • ReadyOp provides the flexibility to plan, store, recall and respond quickly and efficiently to any incident and emergency.


  • Create and use checklists and reports to manage planning and operations. Daily reporting and inspections can be securely and efficiently completed from any authorized user’s laptop or smartphone.
  • Notify individuals, groups and teams quickly with updates and schedule adjustments.
  • Create forms for evaluations, feedback and suggestions.

Camera Videos to Laptops

  • Increase situational awareness. ReadyOp allows authorized persons, including responding fire and law enforcement personnel, to securely view video from available camera feeds on their laptops and smartphones.
  • Video can be shared with responding personnel from any location including to responder vehicles while enroute to the location.

Radio Interoperability

  • ReadyOp includes true two-way radio interoperability for communications between talk groups, including the ability to link radio communications with outside agencies if needed.
  • Radio interoperability can be extended to first responder agencies in the local area for immediate response and communication.
  • Radio interoperability can be extended to laptops and smartphones of authorized users.

Event Planning and Operations

  • Planning with ReadyOp can include people, assets, agencies, tasks, maps, files, tasks and more, all in one secure location for quick reference 24 hours a day.
  • Plan for special events such as parades, fairs, athletic events, concerts and more. Plans can and should include incident and emergency response, plus plans for adverse weather and other contingencies.
  • Since planning is done in a single database, updates are immediate and available to authorized users.

No other program provides all of these capabilities, plus these important features:

  1. No New Hardware to Purchase
  2. No Software to Install, Update
  3. Secure access 24×7 from any Location
  4. Radio Interoperability
  5. Low Cost. Easy to Learn. Simple to Use